Junior Prom 2008

Blind or Not-Quite-So-Blind

Junior Prom 2008
Reading the menu in a local steakhouse as my friends and I chat

Blind, low vision, visually impaired? What does it all mean?

What a cheesy title, right? I know, but where are the lines of Blindness drawn? We know that legal blindness, in the USA at least, is a visual acuity of 20/200 or worse correct? Well Blindness is defined as partial or complete loss of sight or the inability to see with one or both eyes.

Partial or complete loss of sight? Inability to see?

Well, that’s undefined, but this indefinite definition is a good thing for those of us with Albinism. We all have some form of “partial loss of sight” do we not? This unclear definition of blindness puts us in a large and varied group of people. It places us within a certain community; one in which we can confide and receive guidance, assistance, and understanding. As a community, we need to stand together! This is our place: to encourage, to lead, to inform, and to be a beacon to the world. We have to let the world know that we deserve every opportunity, and we will fight just as hard and harder to turn that opportunity into a life filled with success.

This is my “call to arms” to all of you; don’t be afraid of who you are; be your own advocate; accomplish everything that you want to accomplish; and when you have done so, dream even bigger. These are our lives.

This site is here for this exact purpose: to bring us together. Feel free to share, network, ask questions, etc.

As a side note, a future article will explain our eyesight, how it works, and why it doesn’t work as it should. So stay tuned and stay curious!

Danielle Moulds